Friday, March 31, 2023

Good News!

 Here it is, almost April 1st. Yup, April Fool's Day.

BUT, I'm not going to fool you. I have great news. If you've followed me long enough over the years, you know I've written a series of Amish books. My hero, Daniel, started out in book 1 wanting to go to high school, in book 2 he went to NYC, and book 3 he came home. 

Now, book 4 is available. Yes! The Vietnam Voice is now available to order in paperback and/or ebook.

In this book, my hero, Daniel, is more of a background character. Trust me, he is not forgotten, but it deals more with his younger sister, Hannah. She has to deal with a decision. John Heffel is Amish and very enamored with Hannah. Unfortunately, Hannah is longing for the Englische boy, Jonathan Bell. To complicate matters, the two join the Army and go to Vietnam. Things happen. My beta-reader enjoyed the story.

If you are interested in a tease read, check out my webpage; and click on books.

To order the paperback:

To order the ebook:

BUT... hold off. (I can't believe I said that!!)

I'm going to discount the first three books/ebooks. Unfortunately, book 4 is full price. Paperback is $16.95 and ebook is $4.99.

Now, book 1 will be: paperback: $10.95 - that's as low as Amazon will allow. The ebook: $.99.

Book 2 will be: paperback: $10.95 - again, Amazon's demand. The ebook: $.99.

Book3 will be: paperback: $12.95 - I need to make 'some' profit. The ebook: $1.99.

Book 4 as detailed above - $16.95 for the paperback, $4.99 for the ebook.

AND, just so you know, I am already working on book 5 - The Family Voice. Plus, I'm also working on the final book - #6 - The Englische Voice. The series will end.

I was asked what to expect next. To be honest, I'm not sure, but I figure I will start another series. I now have a little more incentive and inspiration. The Amish have started to move in behind me. Yes, just a mere mile away. We've already noticed buggies passing in front of our house. Really cool. I've met one family who live only a bit over a mile to my east. The Garleys are very nice.

Also, I'm working on book 3 of my Barry Hargrove mystery series. This one is titled: Dragon Feast.

At times my mind runs so fast I can barely type fast enough to keep up... and I've been clocked typing at 105 wpm. That's right. I was tested and had 3 errors which meant I lost 5 words for each error. I finished at 120 wpm, but after error compensation, I was 105. Still, I think that's pretty good. I can't quite keep up with my mind, but I'm close.

Well, until next I ramble on...

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