Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What Is A Writer?

In TEN words or less, What is a writer?

That was the challenge placed before me.  I consider myself a writer and thought it an interesting question.  Of course, this wasn't some rhetorical question, my friend was waiting for a reply and I didn't have hours, days, or weeks to ponder over it.  I was expected to spout some words of wisdom -- after all, I am a writer.

After a few moments of silence on behalf, my friend offered: A person who puts words together.

Hmm?  Not really all that glamorous when put that way.

But really, what is a writer?  S/He is nothing more than an individual who puts words together into sentences and sentences into paragraphs and paragraphs into a story.  And so we don't get into issue of semantics -- a news article is a story, a medical essay is a story, a memoir is a story, a fantasy, mystery, romance tale is a story.  Yes, even an obit is a story.  But I digress (as usual) -- so moving on.

Anyone can put words together.  Does that mean anyone can be a writer?  Today, more so than any other time in history, everyone can be a writer.  All you need to do is put the words down.


Anyone can put words together.  But, as a writer learns, there is a method to the madness of aligning those words.  Word choice becomes important.  Which is better?

A)  The campfire's smoke burned our eyes.
B)  The curling tendrils of smoke from the campfire irritated our eyes.

Yes, B is very flowery but as a writer, that is the difference between 'just putting words together' and 'writing' for an audience.

There are writers who have sold 6 books and there are writers who have sold 6 million books.  What is the difference?  Each have put the words together into sentences... and sentences into paragraphs.

The difference is the way the words were put together.  A writer, like a painter, chooses the proper word.  An artist doesn't just slap a dab of blue into a daisy; the artist blends in the blue shadowing so you, the viewer, can see the depth and subtlety of the petal.

Hence, a good writer plays with the words so you, the reader, feel the moment. Each word is placed where it will be at its optimal best.

What is a writer?  A person who puts words together in the proper sequence.

Anyone else want to try a response?  I'm open to a great answer.

By the way, my latest short story ebook (all formats) is available for FREE at Smashwords.  Click on the title at the right -- Barry Hargrove and the Case of the Lunar Orchids.

Until next I ramble on...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Each week I ramble about something or other and hope somebody takes the time to read it.  Do you?  I don't know but I do know I have visited -- the silent types obviously since they never leave a message. Do I question this?

Not really.  But, I continue to blog a ramble in hopes of striking a cord in a reader to have them make a comment.

So why did I title this one 'Hopeless' you ask?  Simple.  I am a hopeless case.  I currently have about six projects I'm working on just in the writing field.  And my mind is racing with other ideas I don't even have time to put to storage -- in other words, write an outline so I don't lose the idea.

Right now I am working on a short story about Barry Hargrove, my lead character in "2012: Timeline Apocalypse" entitled "The Lunar Orchids" in hopes of getting it published at Smashwords soon.  Plus I'm working on another short story for Barry Hargrove entitled "Eternal Blood" and I'm working on a short story for Barclay Havens, my lead in my Pangaea novel I am publishing later this year.  Need I mention that I'm also working on "The Voice" from 2011 NaNoWriMo -- yes, it screams from time to time wanting attention.  Remember me mentioning Pangaea? Yes, I'm working on that, too.  And, well, there is another project I'm working on but I'm not saying what it is -- at least, not just yet.

In addition to all my writing, I'm also very busy with marketing.  I've read 3 marketing books (currently on #4) since Christmas and am attempting to institute many of their suggestions into my current marketing plans. 

And we can't forget social media.  I mean, consider all the time needed to be spent on Twitter and Facebook.  I have 1 Twitter account but I have 2 separate FaceBook accounts, plus GoodReads and Wattpad accounts which I've been ignoring a lot lately.  Now they want me to join LinkedIn, and about 3 or 4 other social accounts.

Does anybody out there realize I have a wife?  Kids?  Grandkids?  A life beyond the computer?

And that is why I say it is hopeless.  There are only 24 hours in a day and from what I'm seeing, I need about another 83 hours in each day to get all the stuff done.

Did I mention that I also do a weekly writing tip (www.bobnailor.com/words3.php) and this blog.  These things don't write themselves -- contrary to popular belief.

Today I cheated.  I spent about an hour working on gardening.  Yes, as the weather gets warmer, my focus shifts to growing things outside.  I need to take cuttings of the red mandevilla and start different seeds for flowers and vegetables.

Sunday I was passed a book to read -- "This Present Darkness" by Peretti.  I think I'll start on it tonight as soon as I finish this blog entry.

And again I make the offer... I am making a special offer on my novel "2012: Timeline Apocalypse."

Order a signed copy of the paperback book from www.bobnailor.com/book_2012.php and I will send you a coupon for a FREE ecopy of my novel "Three Steps: The Journeys of Ayrold."

Order a copy of the paperback book from http://www.amazon.com/dp/0982477708 (forward me a copy of the sales receipt to "bob AT bobnailor.com" - get a coupon for a FREE copy, as above.

Order an electronic copy of the book from http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005VGO3VU (forward me a copy of the sales receipt to "bob AT bobnailor.com" - get a 50% off coupon of "Three Steps"

This offer is for a limited time only; good until Feb 26, 2012; the coupon is good through Feb 29, 2012.

Now exactly what is "2012: Timeline Apocalypse" about? Obviously it entails the end of time, the Mayan calendar, Mayan gods and enough twists to keep you guessing who is who and what is what and why it is all happening. Do you actually want me to tell you the end? Of course not, but I will tell you this. If you saw the movie "2012" -- well, my book ain't nothing like that!! Let me put it this way -- Kulkukan will shake his tail and the ground will shake. We only think we know what ancient artifacts are; it isn't until we find their true use that all things become clear.

Until next I ramble on...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Turn! Turn! Turn!

First, Happy Valentines Day.  Check out my short story in the new "Timeless" anthology from Cool Well Press (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00770CUN6)

The words for The Byrds big hit song were adapted from the Bible, out of the The Book of Ecclesiastes.

To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn)
There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn)
And a time to every purpose, under Heaven

A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep

To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn)
There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn)
And a time to every purpose, under Heaven

And the words continue with perfection.  Why am I mentioning this?  Simple.  We live our lives, we do certain things and we, either out of anger or love, wish for other actions.

As a parent, have you ever said the words "I can't wait for you to grow up and move out!" Or on that long trip to work made a passing comment to the effect of "I can't wait until I'm retired."

And a time to every purpose under Heaven.

I have a friend who said those words to his children years ago.  I also heard a person who is 37 say he couldn't wait to retire.

Life is but a fleeting moment.  The older you get, the more you realize just how fleeting.  Remember when you were a small child and how long those summer breaks from school were?  Trust me, those summer months seem to be but a blink of the eye today.

Oh I'm not some great sage or soothsayer of wisdom.  I am but a mere man who has retired and now sees the truth of his own mortality.

Each day passes, each one faster than the last.  It seems but a few years ago I was getting married and having a family.  Retirement was many years into the future.  In fact, I remember a fourth grade assignment in math -- we needed to calculate what year we would turn 65 and be eligible for retirement.  For me it would be 2011.  Back in the mid-fifties that seemed so very far away.  In fact, it was a lifetime away.  It is now 2012; I've been retired for over five years and have had the time to reflect back on my life to some extent.

Hold onto your children for when they do leave the home, they will be busy working toward their retirement and you'll want them to visit but they won't have the time. Harry Chapin's "Cats In The Cradle" song has a lot of truth within the words.

As to retirement.  I highly suggest you make it a road of enjoyment, taking each day to the fullest extent you can. 

Now some may wonder why I am discussing retirement and children.  You are a writer and a writer puts to words those things which are inside his or her head; the memories.  Memories help expand the imagination. Writers write what they know and what you know are memories.

So, until you can retire -- enjoy each day to the fullest... for once it is gone, it is only a memory and if you didn't make a memory that day; it truly is lost forever.
And when you do retire and think you have all the time in the world to write -- you'll discover the fallacy there, too.  Retirement falls into two categories.  Those who sit on the porch and watch with the theory there is always tomorrow OR those who are busy doing things.  I'm a doer - I garden, I travel, I spend time with my grandkids and truthfully, have a difficult time finding the time to write but I somehow manage.  I have my memories, having enjoyed most days on my journey to retirement.  I am sure there are days I lost but they are far and few. And those really horrendous days where I wanted to just toss in the hat; surprisingly, they don't seem quite so bad today.

I don't plan to leave this mortal existence with a body in fair repair -- I plan to beat the crap out of it enjoying each day to the fullest and when people look at me they'll say "He lived."

So again I say -- enjoy today, make it a memory and suddenly you'll wake up one day and the children will be gone and a few days later, you'll be retired.  Until then -- embrace life.

And lest I forget...

Order a signed copy of the paperback book from www.bobnailor.com/book_2012.php and I will send you a coupon for a FREE ecopy of my novel "Three Steps: The Journeys of Ayrold."

Order a copy of the paperback book from http://www.amazon.com/dp/0982477708 (forward me a copy of the sales receipt to "bob AT bobnailor.com" - get a coupon for a FREE copy, as above.

Order an electronic copy of the book from http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005VGO3VU (forward me a copy of the sales receipt to "bob AT bobnailor.com" - get a 50% off coupon of "Three Steps"

This offer is for a limited time only; good until Feb 26, 2012; the coupon is good through Feb 29, 2012.

Now exactly what is "2012: Timeline Apocalypse" about? Obviously it entails the end of time, the Mayan calendar, Mayan gods and enough twists to keep you guessing who is who and what is what and why it is all happening. Do you actually want me to tell you the end? Of course not, but I will tell you this. If you saw the movie "2012" -- well, my book ain't nothing like that!! Let me put it this way -- Kulkukan will shake his tail and the ground will shake. We only think we know what ancient artifacts are; it isn't until we find their true use that all things become clear.

Until next I ramble on...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

2012: Timeline Apocalypse

Sometimes you just don't know what to blog about.  Today I decided to blog about my book that I wrote quite a few years ago.  Yes, that's right -- 2012: Timeline Apocalypse.

Stay with me on this entry -- it's worth the read.

I had an idea about the Mayan calendar.  I've been fascinated with the calendar; even to the extent of having a pair of silver cuff links with the Mayan calendar on them that I got when I was in Acaplulco, Mexico way back in 1967. I'd read about Pacal and the discovery of his burial tomb inside the Temple of Inscriptions.  I thought of a museum theft and a detective.  Then I watched Mel Gibson's "Apocalypto" and well, the glue started to gel. 

So I created a myth, a legend about the calendar, the end of time and started to tie all the pieces together.  I read more about the Mayan culture, more about Pacal and Palenque.  I studied the Mayan religion, the Mayan astronomy and the plethora of "end of time" theories. 

I was floored when I discovered the Mayans considered the area around The Pleiades (aka Seven Sisters) as the birthplace of the cosmos and that today's astronomers now confirmed that locale as to where new worlds are being created.  Venus is tied to Kulkukan and that particular god is tied to the creation of the current world.  Even more amazing was the fact the Mayan astronomers knew back then that we, on Dec 21, 2012, would pass through the center of the Milky Way and the median plane of the universe.

Suddenly things fell together.  I stumbled onto a website about tourists visiting the area of Palenque and even more came together including a segment where visitors saw a bird in the early morning sunlight and how it affected them.  It was late September and I was about to embark on the novel when it hit me that NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) was a mere month away to start in November and I had no idea what to write.  Now I did.  So I outlined and I read even more including a fictitious diary of a young Mayan princess of Pacal's time.

November 1.  I was ready and began to bang out the 53k words for NaNoWriMo that would become the novel known as "2012: Timeline Apocalypse."  That was back in 2008.  And the story languished for almost two years and finally in 2010 I realized I either had to get that novel cleaned up and published or forget about it.  I started the cleanup process and was considering self-publishing when I was approached by 23 House.  The editor wanted a crack at it before I self-published.  He read the book, we negotiated a contract and in October 2010, the novel was released to the public.

Sales have been satisfactory but I am wanting to sell more and have decided to make you an offer I hope you can't refuse.

Order a signed copy of the paperback book from www.bobnailor.com/book_2012.php and I will send you a coupon for a FREE ecopy of my novel "Three Steps: The Journeys of Ayrold."

Order a copy of the paperback book from http://www.amazon.com/dp/0982477708 (forward me a copy of the sales receipt to "bob AT bobnailor.com" - get a coupon for a FREE copy, as above.

Order an electronic copy of the book from http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005VGO3VU (forward me a copy of the sales receipt to "bob AT bobnailor.com" - get a 50% off coupon of "Three Steps"

This offer is for a limited time only; good until Feb 26, 2012; the coupon is good through Feb 29, 2012.

Now exactly what is the book about?  Obviously it entails the end of time, the Mayan calendar, Mayan gods and enough twists to keep you guessing who is who and what is what and why it is all happening.  Do you actually want me to tell you the end?  Of course not, but I will tell you this. If you saw the movie "2012" -- well, my book ain't nothing like that!!  Let me put it this way -- Kulkukan will shake his tail and the ground will shake. We only think we know what ancient artifacts are; it isn't until we find their true use that all things become clear.

Until next I ramble...