Monday, September 7, 2015

Updates to Updates

As we go into the third tri-mester of the year (the last four months), I thought I'd give a little update to what is happening.

Weight.  Good news, bad news.  Remember the 28 pounds I lost back in June when I was sick?  As a friend said, I found some of them. The good news is: Only half of them - so I'm still 14 pounds down which makes my target of 25 pounds by the end of the year - well, it is something I can possibly attain.  At least, I plan to make it.

Overall Health.  I'm not up to par.  I bought into the "you can't do this and that" and my sons have tried to make sure I don't do this or that.  So... now I can't do this or that without getting totally winded.  As stated last week, I bought a lot of mulch to put down.  Of course, having temperatures up into the high eighties and low nineties isn't helping, but I do a little and then need to rest.  I mean, like work for maybe 15-20 minutes and then break for 40 minutes.  It is all about bending over - pushing the gut into the lungs.  Still, I think it might be why the weight hasn't all come back... all that bending.

Mulch.  By the way, the mulch is looking good.  Of course, I didn't buy enough while it was on sale so the one area that I wanted to do probably won't get done - the swing set area.  Just as well.  I think I should put ALL rubber mulch there rather than a mixture of wood mulch with a light sprinkling of rubber mulch.  Since the rubber mulch wasn't on sale, I'll keep an eye open for it to better priced in the next few weeks.

Camping. Took the grand kids camping and now my wife and I can go alone and enjoy some quiet time at the campgrounds during the week since most families have their kids back in school.  OH! Went shopping for a new RV.  We own a 28 foot 1998 Allegro motor home.  Yes, a land-yacht. I'd like to get a "wider" motor home - not necessarily a bigger one.  Let me explain.  I want slide outs in the living area.  If my current motor home had a slide out, I'd keep it since I'm more than thrilled with the mileage I get with it.  Uh, we're talking 10 mpg and up to 14 mpg on flat interstates on cruise.  The new one I looked at would get "maybe" up to 7 mpg, possibly 9 mpg.  LOL. Sure.  I think we're going to hold off on it until maybe next year... unless the salesman comes back with a deal I just can't pass up.  (Like that's going to happen!)

Writing.  Has been stalled.  I've been doing a lot of editing for clients, so I don't have a lot of time for writing.  I've done some - a little - on my second Amish novel.  Was stumped for a while but with a little brain-storming with another writer (thanks, Elyse!), I've now got some great ideas to weave into the tale and give it depth.  With NaNoWriMo coming up in November, I have to decide if I want to attempt it yet again.  I  mean, I've competed 14 years, accomplishing 50K+ words 13 of those times. I've done NaNoWriMo since it's 2nd year of inception and only failing to complete the word count when I attempted a cookbook and my dad passed the month before.  Hint: Don't attempt a cookbook.

Gardening. The garden is coming to an end - sort of.  The corn is done and I've removed all the stalks from the raised bed.  My wife finally agreed that the green pole beans were finished, as were the wax bean plants.  Unfortunately I didn't tie-up my tomato plants - so they've sprawled all over but are doing fine.  We've canned a lot of salsa, diced, and stewed tomatoes - with more to come.  The shelves are filled with beans for the winter.  Still growing are the beets and carrots which appear might be a good crop this year.

Publishing.  I wanted to publish 3 books this year.  So far, only one book out. My Amish novel which has been selling like hotcakes at signings and shows.  On Amazon?  Not so well.  It would seem that the book hasn't sold well at all.  I've order copies twice now and figure I might have to order again before then end of the year - maybe twice!!  If you haven't checked it out - - you won't be sorry.  But, back to publishing.  Maybe with a little luck I'll be able to get out book 2 of my writing tips and book 1 in my Jewyl adventures is complete, for the most part, just some minor edits and a book cover design.  It's all about time.

Do you remember your New Year's Resolutions?  How are they coming along?  Given up?  Have you accomplished them?  Share.

Until next I ramble on...


  1. There is never enough mulch…LOL. Seriously, congratulations on the success of your book and enjoy your new RV!

    1. Thanks and you're right. Never enough mulch. Still dealing on the RV and since they seem reluctant to take my old one as a trade, the deal will probably fall through. Hey, I like my old one, just wanted more space. I can live with it.

  2. I agree with Tara, the ground seems to absorb the mulch! We had a 32 foot RV and found it restricted us from some choice camp sites. Best of luck finding a good deal with great mileage.

    1. The bag says it will cover 12 square feet at 2 inches thick - they lie, I do believe. LOL. Perhaps the ground is munching on my mulch. I've only been turned away from one camp ground for being 28 feet (over 25, the allowable) which I feel is their loss, not mine. The next camp site was cheaper and had a better offering.

  3. I think the rubber mulch under the swing set is a better idea. Maybe the ground doesn't eat as much of it. We sold our 5th wheel and truck so no camping for us now. Too much to do at home and I'm 90% through my first draft of WIP. I've never tried the NANOWritMo. I always seem to be at the end of a project when it comes around. I can only do one per year or go crazy.

    1. Although I thought wood mulch under the swing set would work and be less expensive - the thought of all the slivers if the girls decide to "barefoot" that day ... most definitely, I'll be doing the rubber mulch. And Diane, I'm not sure I could give up camping since I've been doing it since I was 11 yrs old in Boy Scouts. One doesn't give up easily on a 50+ year habit.

  4. I have a bag of mulch sitting on the porch that I need to put in the vegetable garden, but keep putting it off. It's been a tough summer for me also between the heat and some shoulder issues. You've had a lot going on yourself. Glad to hear you are feeling better, though. Hope your health continues to improve.

    1. At this point, mulch on my garden would be a waste of time. It's too late in the season, but you "southerners" can garden almost year round. Take your time, the mulch will wait. Your shoulder is more important. I'll keep working on my health. Thanks.
